A closer look at red light accidents

If you were involved in a red light accident and injured at no fault of your own, the sooner you called in a local personal injury lawyer, the sooner they can get working on getting you adequate compensation. These type accidents are on the rise because the number of distracted drivers on the roads is growing. Drivers today are messing with the sound system, texting, making phone calls, at the expense of drivers sitting at a stop at the red light.

Here are the ways that the best Austin car accident lawyer in this field can help protect your financial future and get you back on the road to optimal health.

Collecting Vital Accident Evidence
The minute you’re able to pick up a phone after being hurt in the red light accident, that call should be made to the local personal injury lawyer. The reason being is that they have an accident investigative team at the ready, so when they get the call, that team is dispersed to the scene of the accident to collect evidence. By evidence, we are talking about acquiring key measurements, interviewing eye-witnesses, taking numerous pictures, and making a video of the surrounding location. All this is done in an effort to preserve the scene so at trial the jury and judge can see things as they were that day.

Getting the Best Medical Help
Your local Austin car accident lawyer has access to the best physicians in their respected fields, and you will be diagnosed, treated, and given physical therapy by the best. These doctors will also be available to provide expert testimony at the trial so that your attorney can make certain the insurance company is held accountable and makes good on taking care of you today, tomorrow, and for the long-term. In many of these red light accident cases, it comes down to the convincing testimony of the physician who can spotlight how these injuries are a direct result of the impact.

Putting Your Case on Trial
Once your Austin car accident lawyer has determined how much compensation you are due, they will never waver from that number, despite the efforts of the insurance company lawyers to try and get you to settle for far less. They are well aware how those lawyers are trying to get their clients to pay the absolute least possible, but these ploys don’t work when a skilled personal injury lawyer is on the job today. Your lawyer is working on your behalf to bring the responsible party to justice and so you can live a normal life from here out.

The red light accident can be especially challenging to present in court. Your attorney has the resources to show exactly what the other driver was doing at the time of the accident to solidify the case in your favor. With these type accidents on the rise, you need a skilled lawyer who has years experience in the court that will have your best interests at heart today and well into your later years.

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Who pays when an Uber causes an accident?

Uber is a transportation matching service. They match riders with drivers who provide their privately owned and insured vehicle for use as a “taxi” service. The coverage chosen by the driver is entirely up to him or her. Uber however, does add one million dollars of additional coverage per driver.

When a contracted Uber driver has an accident, there are three stages that must be considered. Before turning on the Uber App, the driver’s car is covered by his personal insurance carrier and not by Uber’s coverage. The first stage occurs prior to receiving a reservation for a ride. During this stage, the Uber App is turned on and the driver is available to receive pick-up orders. Unless, the driver has supplemental insurance, he is not covered at this point by his personal insurance or Uber’s insurance. During stage two, the driver would be en route to pick-up a passenger and is insured by Uber for $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident. During stage three the passenger is being taken to his destination. The driver is fully insured for the extra $1 million by Uber. In both stage 2 and 3, the driver’s personal insurance coverage may be forfeited because he is transporting paying customers.

In Texas, when the app is on and the driver is waiting for a passenger, he is not covered by most personal auto coverage or Uber’s insurance. The only option the driver has in these instances is to get supplemental coverage that will cover his personal use as well as the insurance gap before ride pickups.

If you are in an accident with an Uber car, call a Austin car accident lawyer. Because the liability of the Uber driver and/or Uber the company will become an issue, you need legal representation to sort through the confusing details. Uber calls its drivers’ private partners or independent contractors who are solely responsible for their vehicles and their insurance coverage when not carrying passengers. Whether Uber or the driver should be responsible for the liability is still being disputed as Uber drivers are involved in accidents across the country resulting in death, injury and property damage.

Who was responsible for an Uber driver’s accident was questioned in a California accident recently where a mother and her two children were struck in an intersection. Her six year old daughter died as a result of her injuries. The California Labor Commission ruled that the Uber driver was an Uber employee and the company was found liable for the accident.

The laws governing Uber differ from state to state, so enlist a Austin car accident lawyer to insure you have Texas traffic and injury laws working in your favor. While Uber no longer operates in Austin, it still provides services in nearby cities where an accident could occur. As a Texas resident, you can still pursue a lawsuit with the help of a Austin car accident lawyer.

How to stay safe while driving on Austin´s roads?

The south Texas, coastal city of Austin is home to over 300,000 people. The city’s main road transportation network includes Interstate 69E/US, Interstate 37 and Highway 77 that links the city to Victoria and Brownsville. The other important highways in the city include the Texas State Highway 44 thoroughfare and the Texas State Highway 268 Crosstown Expressway.

Austin ranks as one of the safest cities to drive in America; this means there are far fewer accidents here compared to other cities in the US. However, challenges still remain in the way of unsafe driving conditions and driver errors. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there are certain things every driver needs to pay attention to when driving on the state’s highway, these include:
• Speed limit
• Learning to share roads with trucks
• Staying on the right line
• Giving way to emergency vehicles
• Using the rest zones

In Texas, the maximum speed allowed on most interstate and state highways is 75 miles per hour. However, elements such as driving conditions and traffic may force a driver to adjust speed accordingly. It is against state laws to too impede traffic flow by driving continuously in the left lane. Drivers who break this law can receive fines of up to $200. Sharing the road with trucks is a crucial road safety issue because heavy trucks often take longer to make a stop and this could spell serious disaster.

To stay safe in the face of a truck; maintain safe distance, be aware of the trucks blind spot, avoid crossing behind a truck that is backing up and avoid passing in between a truck and the curb. When you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights, you need to slow down below the posted speed limit or step a lane away. Failure to do this could land you a $200. While driving in and out of Austin, Texas, you can take advantage of the highway safety rest areas and Travel Information Centers available.

How a Austin Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You
When an accident happens, the first thing you need to do is stop the car in a safe area and check if you or anyone else needs emergency medical attention. Call 911 once this is established. If you or your loved one are involved in an accident, you need to find an experienced Austin car accident lawyer who will guard your interest. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a lawyer include attorney credentials, cost of representation, comfort level and location of the attorney.

During your search, ask the attorney pertinent questions like how long they have been in the practice and their experience handling similar cases as yours. Consulting a car accident attorney will help you avoid making costly missteps and get your initial case review and explanation of legal options available to you. The car accident attorney is also well-placed to help you resolve any rising legalities such as insurance disputes.